Monday, September 29, 2014

As has been repeatedly discussed

Posted by wwww On 7:31 AM
As has been repeatedly discussed earlier, that hygiene is the key to successful cultivation. Mushroom house and the equipment used peluang usaha during the production process must always be in a state to reduce the contamination of microorganisms sterile unwanted intruders, can thwart even mushroom cultivation. If cleanliness and environmental factors (temperature, humidity, etc.) are less supportive, usually common in many baglog overgrown fungus diseases and other fungi that grow as he grows. Missellium fungal or parasitic fungi that fought to do so often results in growth becomes stunted growth, and even sometimes lead to not grow. This parasitic fungus berisifat pathogens, symptoms marked the emergence of mycelium is yellow, green, black, accompanied by mucus on the substrate. Parasitic fungi that attack during the cultivation process is Penicillium sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp., And Mucor sp .. This fungus attacks the substrate or growing baglog a way to compete with the main crop. The disease attacks baglog closed or open. Control of fungal penganggu can be done by maintaining the cleanliness associated with the cultivation process (either mushroom, baglog, equipment, and labor), a parasitic fungus baglog destroy by fire, and set the air in the vicinity kelembanan mushroom house.

Elongated Mushroom Stalk
Disease stalks elongated fungus is a disease
IDRPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA that is often encountered during physiological prses cultivation, oyster mushroom stalk marked lengthwise with a small mushroom body can not be fully developed. Elongated stalk diseases caused by excess CO2 due to less than perfect ventilation. Elongated stalk disease prevention is set at the optimum ventilation so that air circulation kumbung runs perfectly fit the needs of growth.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cucumber generally can grow in various

Posted by wwww On 3:08 PM
Cucumber generally can grow in various areas with various heights and temperatures, but the height between 1000 to 1200 meters above sea level Agen Bola SBOBET IBCBET Casino 338A Tangkas Togel Online Indonesia Terpercaya with temperatures between 21-27oC is an ideal soil. Media should land the sun illuminated well, because these plants belong to the susceptible plant so it needs to have good care. The recommended level of soil acidity is 6 to 7 pH.

2 Preparation of land
Good land for planting cucumbers is land that has the nutrients are still good, the land must digemburkan in advance by way of a hoe or hijacked approximately 20-30 cm deep to reverse the position of the soil from the bottom up. Once the soil is ready and made beds with the following specifications;
- Create sized beds with a width of 1 meter and a height of about 20-30 cm
- Length of beds according to the length of the land
- The distance between beds is about 20 cmTempat is ideal for the cultivation of cucumber plateau. However, these plants can still grow in places lower even though the result is not optimal.
Tips for successful cultivation of organic cucumber

Cucumber fruit ready for harvest. (Photo: titispw)

Cucumis sativus cucumbers or a plant that can adapt to various types of climate. However, the cultivation of cucumbers more leverage on the dry climatic conditions with full irradiation at temperatures 21-27oC. While height is ideal for the cultivation of cucumber is 1000-1200 meters above sea level. Even so cucumber can still be planted in lowland.

Organic cucumber cultivation requires Agen Bola SBOBET IBCBET Casino 338A Tangkas Togel Online Indonesia Terpercaya extra care, because these plants are susceptible to pests and weather. Cucumber would be great planted in soil containing enough organic nutrients. The texture of soil is good for the growth and development of plants is a low-grade clay with a pH of 6-7.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kassava viljely alueella Saber

Posted by wwww On 4:27 PM
 Kassava viljely alueella Saber on erittäin hyvät mahdollisuudet.
Jonka pääoma on vain noin Rp 7000000 hehtaarilta, viljelijät voivat tehdä voittoa jopa Rp 50 miljoonaa.
Se on todistettu Hamlet asukkaat Onnellista Uutta Hope Village District of Saber. Maniokki (kassava) on yksi peruselintarvikkeiden joudumme usein day- / day.With yleistyminen istuttaminen kassava jauhot koska tarpeet yhä meningkat.penerapan kassava teknologiaa on sovellettu kentän tasolla soveltaen sopivaa teknologiaa räätälöityjä kunkin alueen (aluekohtaisia) .Apalagi käyttöön orgaaninen lannoite Orgaaniset Torjunta Nasa Nasa Ja se on osoitettu lisäävän tuotantoa (satoa) viljelijöiden kassava (kassava) kohta.Koska kassava viljelymenetelmät seuraavasti:
A. Siemenet / StekPenanaman kassava voidaan tehdä sen jälkeen taimet / pistokkaat ja maaperän valmis. Aikaa. Hyvä istutus on alku sadekausi. Tämä johtuu siitä, kassava tarvitaan vettä pääasiassa vegetatiivinen kasvu on 4-5 kuukautta, sitten veden tarve on suhteellisesti vähemmän.
Väli kassava vuonna monokulttuurin: 100 x 100;
Väli kassava vuonna intercropping:

Kassava kanssa maapähkinä 200 x 60 cm.
Kassava maissi 100 x 60 cm.
Miten istuttaa kassava pistokkaita suositellaan kohtisuoraan tai ainakin muodostaa 60 asteen kulmassa maahan ja syvyys pistokkaita 10-15 cm.
V. lannoituksen
Saavuttaa korkea tuotto olisi annettava orgaaninen lannoite (lanta, komposti ja vihreä lantaa) ja epäorgaanisten lannoitteiden (Urea, TSP, KCL).

Monday, August 4, 2014

Rozszerzenie działalności jest uprawa

Posted by wwww On 1:17 AM
Rozszerzenie działalności jest uprawa roślin kawy w nowych obszarach środowisko, zgodnie z wymogami w zakresie wzrostu i rozwoju Rośliny kawy. 3 Rehabilitacja Działania rehabilitacyjne przywrócenia ogrodu jest ogród do warunków lepszy stan, zwiększając tym samym wydajność. Zakł Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiaad Rehabilitacji Celem populacje roślin, które zostały zmniejszone ze względu na kulturę błędu techniczne, szkodniki i choroby oraz susze będą prowadzić uprawa na hektar jest niski, czy niekorzystne dla uprawiane. III. Uprawa kawy arabica Zasadniczo dla rolnictwa i uprawa kawy arabica poprzez działania Rozbudowa, odmładzająca i Rehabilitacji jest taka sama jak działalność nowe nasadzenia, a mianowicie: 1 Warunki Growing  Położenie  Letaknyas odizolowane od innych odmian plantacji kawy ± 100 metrów.  Teren wolny od szkodników i chorób  Łatwy do kontrolowania  grunty  pH gleby: 5,5 do 6,5  Najlepiej Gleba: minimum 2%.  Strukrur gruntów: Żyzna, kruche względnej głębokości> 100 cm.  Klimat  Wysokie miejsca: 800 - 2000 m npm  Temperatura: 15 ° C - 25 ° C.  opady: 1750-3000 mm / rok 3 month2 suche miesiące. Materiału Do rozmnażania roślin w pole jest wymagane sadzonki gotowe Przewody o następujące kryteria:  źródło nasion: muszą pochodzić od rodziców lub ogrodzie Firma, która została wyznaczona.  Wiek sadzonek: 8 -12 miesięcy  Wysokość: 20 -40 cm  Minimalna liczba starych liści: 5-7  liczba oddziałów podstawowych: 1  średnica trzpienia: 5-6 cm provider vcc murah di indonesiaPotrzeba nasion / ha  odstęp: 1,25 m x 1,25 m  Ludność: 6400 Rośliny Do haftu: 25% 3 siew . Odległość sadzenia Rozstaw system kawy arabica, między innymi:  prostokąt: 2,5 x 2,5 m  Ogrodzenie: 1,5 x 1,5 m

Monday, July 21, 2014

Método Matching

Posted by wwww On 11:56 PM
Método Matching Antes de la inserción en la jaula de cría debe ser un primer proceso de eRUMAHTARUHAN88 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA mparejamiento con el fin de evitar una pelea que puede ser fatal para perder el pájaro morirá. En este proceso el macho y la hembra que tenemos de aproximadamente 1 semana. Esto es para que las aves puedan llegar a conocer unos a otros. Los signos de un ave que tiene un alma gemela se pueden ver cuando el pájaro está durmiendo, el lado del sueño a lado por el momento. Si usted ha visto una pareja está durmiendo al lado del otro los dos pájaros están listos para poner en una jaula de cría debe ser por la tarde. Una vez incorporado en una jaula de cría no saltar izquierda, primero espere aproximadamente una hora para asegurarse de que si el ave en realidad se aparean.
Jaulas de Cría Loro jaula ideal para el ganado es 1m 2m x 2m de altura. En la jaula con el fin de dar a la planta un aspecto natural para que los pájaros se sientan cómodos en la jaula. Zona de baño también debe preverse que incluye un loro como baños de aves. Para el nido también deberían disponer de una caja de madera del tamaño de 40 cm x 30 cm y 30 cm de alto y un agujero para las aves. En la parte inferior de la jaula debe ser proporcionado para el material de nido que se utiliza a menudo suele ser hojas secas de pino. Loro está listo acoplado a la edad de 10 a 12 meses. Idealmente se requiere para una buena machos de año femeninos, mientras que durante 1,5-2 años. En general para las hembras maduran más rápido que otros tipos de janta. Cada matrimonio, una pareja de loros yacía 3-4 huevos. De los huevos salen 14 días después de la incubación de los padres.
Consejos para el cuidado del loro Incluyendo loros y pájaros inteligentes se mantienen a menudo en casa. Edad estas aves puede llegar a más de 75 años, si usted consigue una buena atención. Tratamiento de las aves que uno sólo haría estas aves se estresan que puede hacer que el ave se enferma que a largo plazo puede conducir a la muerte. Por lo tanto usted tiene que cuidar de su loro correctamente para que su loro a mantenerse saludable y evitar el estrés. Puede ser un buen amigo para el loro porque el pájaro es básicamente fácil sentirse cansado aunque sólo la vida misma. AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Los siguientes son consejos sobre el cuidado de los loros, a saber:

Jaula del loro debe limpiarse regularmente y se debe hacer todos los días.
Limpie la suciedad de las jaulas de loros. Las impurezas pueden ser sobras o loro que experimentan pérdida de cabello.
Dar loros comen dos veces y dan agua fresca una vez al día.
Cada tipo de alimento loro que no tiene la misma opción, entonces usted debe saber la alimentación más adecuada para su loro.
Los loros les encanta jugar, y por lo tanto ofrecen juguetes para sus loros mascotas y jugar con él.
Si no se da un pájaro de juguete loro fácilmente se estresan y por lo general los síntomas del estrés se muestran a arrancar sus propias plumas.
Jaula del loro Consejos de limpieza

Loros generalmente producen sustancias tales como almidón que contaminará la jaula. Si desea limpiar las jaulas de loros, debe usar una toalla mojada.
Cada vez a la semana para limpiar las jaulas de loros a fondo. Durante

Friday, July 18, 2014

Rich Important Compounds

Posted by wwww On 5:32 AM
Rich Important Compounds

Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Vegetarian nutrition experts recommend eating soy-based foods for nutritional, especially vegetable protein, can replace the void of nutrition alpanya animal foods from the food list. Soy contains a number of proteins that are good for the body because it is easily digested. Reportedly, the protein content is even 11 times higher than animal milk, twice the protein of meat was fish, and one fold over the cheese. Wow! The high protein is very helpful in building the cell. For children, for example, a protein needed in their infancy. As for the elderly, a protein needed to protect the cells and rebuild damaged cells for several reasons.

In addition to protein, soy mengansung also other important compounds that lecithin. He is one of the many components that play a role in the formation of several activities, among others, thyroid hormones, adrenaline and hormones also play a role in sexual activity. As well, it is also a producer letichin compound called choline. Without choline, our body's metabolic system would be confined faltered because fat in the liver. Choline can also encourage health, brain health renew, strengthen memory, protect the liver, heart and other vital organs of the human body.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014Various Benefits of Soybeans
With the composition of the compounds it contains, it is normal that the efficacy of soy beans then become complex. The properties include:

As an anti-oxidant for humans. By eating processed soy milk, tofu, tempeh and other cells in the body will be preserved and protected from the adverse effects of free radicals.
Soybeans are also proven to increase a person's resistance.
Soybeans can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
Eliminate gallstones.
Protecting and maintaining cardiovascular cell foam by dissolving the glue so that the heart can work normally without a hitch.
The content insitol in soybeans can cope with diabetes. Letichin also protects cells exist in the pancreas organ so that he is able to function well in producing insulin in the body.
Efficacy of soyabean selanjtunya is a kind of kidney disease also treat impotence.
Soybeans also contain alpha carotene, alpha tokoteritenol, tekoferol alpha, beta tokotreinol, and components of other compounds that exist in the letichin. This compound is an anti-oxidant component which reportedly can fight the HIV virus!
Soybeans contain oeleat ac
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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The optimal growth can be reached when

Posted by wwww On 1:44 AM
The optimal growth can be reached when the environment was appropriate and available nutrisiyang enough. Protoplast cells require nitrogen, phosphorus, and nutrition lai. Carbon than is required for blastema formation, is also needed as a source of energy. As more carbon to nitrogen required verdict. Nitrogen is required for the formation of nucleic acid. While Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014tein and chitin is required for the formation of fungal cell walls.
2. Presence of other Microorganisms
Media is a growing primary energy source for the oyster mushrooms. The presence of other microorganisms can cause competition in getting the nutrition, until the desired mold can not grow to their full potential. In fact, some of the competitors is able to produce compounds that can be toxic for the organism in the vicinity. Sterilization of media is an effective way of planting media release from the presence of foreign bodies in the planting media are not expected.
Conditions on more accessible to most parts of the plateau around 700-800 m above sea level. Possible low didataran mushroom cultivation is possible, as long as the climate of storage space can be arranged and adapted to the needs of the mushroom.

BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYASeeds that can be used is F3. Seedlings can be made or derived from a mushroom farmer's saya can make mushroom seeds seeds. To make your own seeds, needed tools and materials sterile because the process is highly susceptible to contamination. Sterilization normal seed production using a laminar flow or transfer box.
To cultivate oyster mushrooms, required tools and materials as follows:
• kerosene stove • Drum diameter 80 cm, height 96 cm • Shelf, an area 3m ² • pH meter • Thermometer • Sprayer / spray, with a 2 inch pipe paralon of 300 • Rings • Lighting spirtus, with volume of 30 liters • plastic basin


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Weaver ants have phase spawn once every 21 days. To maintain the productivity of the queen ant dietary factors need attention. For the farmer groups had managed to concoct a meal in itself with a particular composition and in liquid form. The food was given at night, poured in a shallow plastic container, so that the ants can easily to reach.
started production

Now the queen ants derived from nature already started production. In each bottle is used as a nest, can produce approximately 5 grams Kroto. Hope to earn income from the cultivation of weaver ants were already in sight. However, the group members do not
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya necessarily happy and stand by. They continue to look for support information either through reading books and the Internet with the assistance of Anawawi, S.Hut, coordinator of the District Forestry Extension Simpang Katis.

Top concern in preserving the forest, Counseling and Human Resources Development Agency of Forestry, Ministry of Forestry provide group activities package Productive Farming (CTP) to the farmer groups 'Rise Again'. Package these activities are channeled through Deconcentration Fund Bangka Belitung Province in 2013. Hopefully, through this kind of stimulant fund could help farmers' empowerment activities are in the forest. So they have a concern for maintaining and preserving the forest participate. Hopefully!!!

Another Pebudidaya, Joko Septyawan domiciled in Bantul, Yogyakarta, has been involved in the cultivation of weaver ants since two years ago.

At first, just like Ajiponto, he also sells seeds Kroto and weaver ant (nest). "But, now I am more focused on seed sales as demand continues to increase," said Joko.

One jar of ant seed size 2 liter priced at Rp 175,000. Meanw
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya hile, the ants for seed size 5-liter jar sold at Rp 350,000. Each month, at least he could achieve a turnover of USD 3.5 million.

From a business standpoint, both Ricardo and Ajiponto mention that weaver ants cultivating Kroto producer is fairly lucrative. Capital or production costs low enough. Ajiponto claimed could pocket a net profit of 80 percent of monthly turnover.

In fact, Joko could claim a net gain of up to 90 percent of the turnover of each month. "The cost of cultivation is very small because the maintenance is simple," he added. (Continued) (Noor Mohammed Falih / Cash)
Read More: Raising weaver Easy, Cheap Pun Care Costs (2)
Dr. nutritionist. Mien Karmini who was doing exploration in Papua in 1995 found that the ants nest is often used as a slurry mixture and drink daily. "Ants Nest believed to enhance the body's immunity and deliver energy," said Mien. Active substances such as antioxidants, polyphenols, and glycosides contained in the ant nest is able to control a variety of serious illnesses. Type each of the active substance is still being investigated by the method of structure elucida
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya tion.

Monday, July 7, 2014

A veces hay algunos alimentos básicos q

Posted by wwww On 1:27 AM
Riesgos de Negocio

Se necesita un esfuerzo excesivo comestibles sociedad todos los días, aun así existen algunos riesgos que deben ser manejados en el negocio de abarrotes.

1. Precios Abarrotes menudo Ascendente Descendente

Precios de los alimentos a menudo suben cuando el momento Urun especialmente dado momento, usted debería ser capaz de trabajar en torno a esto.

2. Pérdida de Suministro de Bienes

A veces hay algunos alimentos básicos que usted encuentra difícil en cualquier proveedor, lo llaman cosas como LPG 3 kg que a menudo desaparecen en el mercado y el único tiempo disponible, pero el precio es alto.


Hoy en día más y más mini y otros mercados modernos abrió su negocio en el asentamiento. De compras en la diversión minimarket para el comprador, el comprador puede elegir las cosas que les gustan, balanja cómoda con aire acondicionado, se puede pagar a través de una tarjeta de la deuda y la ATM, aun cuando éste no trajo el dinero y los niños estarán felices porque hay un montón de juguetes en frente del Mini.

Pero para los empresarios escalar ultramarinos a casa, donde el mini en una amenaza real que puede reducir directamente la facturación de las ventas aún más mortal porque la gente le encanta ir de compras en el mini. Los mini-empresarios en general tienen un gran capital, por ejemplo, para tomar un mini-franquicia necesaria de capital de al menos 300 millones de dólares, mientras que abarrotes negocios en el hogar suelen tener un capital mínimo. Mini actividad hoy en día muchos están abiertos las 24 horas, se hace que las tiendas de comestibles empresarios basados ​​en el hogar fuera del negocio. El gobierno debe desempeñar un papel activo en este sentido porque no es posible comestibles esfuerzo con pequeño capital tienen que competir con cientos de millones de minimarket capital.

Tienda de comestibles negocio en casa es una solución que se puede ejecutar para obtener una renta lo suficientemente grande. Aunque el inicio de la casa, pero el crecimiento de los negocios en el hogar con poco capital ya no puede ser subestimada. Muchos empleadores ahora son capaces de llevar con éxito un negocio en el hogar en una gran industria,
Singgasana Hotels & Resorts pilihan akomodasi terbaik di Indonesia tanto local como a escala nacional. Bienvenido a hacer un esfuerzo de abarrotes.

     Hongkong feed orugas puede constar de residuos vegetales, pepino, papaya, Jipang y otros alimentos que contienen una gran cantidad de agua.
     La clave de este esfuerzo es la diligencia que la oruga de Hong-Kong y el rigor en la realización de mantenimiento. Si hay menos escrupuloso en ocasiones, una plaga de insectos más pequeños que viaje en Hong Kong oruga en una vida media, un poco peligrosas orugas son caníbales y se comen las orugas de Hong-Kong a otros para que la producción disminuye. Generalmente este tipo de oruga fina de salvado proviene de los medios de comunicación y del medio ambiente circundante

Elevar Orugas Place Hong Kong

Trate de lugar o edificio se hace el cultivo permanente o hechos de muro a su alrededor. El objetivo es evitar que los roedores o plagas de hormigas. El techo está hecho de enternit y 95% del edificio está cerrado. El piso es de paredes o baldosas. La temperatura afecta en gran medida el crecimiento de la oruga. Trate de mantener la temperatura interi
SARANG303 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAor entre 29-30 grados C y siempre está húmedo, no significa demasiado fría ni demasiado caliente. Esta temperatura es la mejor temperatura para el cultivo de las orugas de Hong Kong.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Golf Grass

Posted by wwww On 6:50 PM
Golf Grass

Golf césped se vea más suave y firme. Como su nombre indica, se utiliza comúnmente hierba para campos de golf. Sin embargo, el camino de la conservación y el mantenimiento es mucho más complicado, por lo que rara vez se utiliza en pequeña escala residencial. Golf césped demasiado pudrirse rápidamente si anegada, por lo que tomó una buena recarga.
Singgasana Hotels & Resorts pilihan akomodasi terbaik di Indonesia

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Late vegetative multiplication can be done

Posted by wwww On 7:47 AM
Late vegetative multiplication can be done by cutting the young plants from its parent. Once cut, these plants should be immediately fired ditanaman with raw mixed media moss and details sepagnum zeolith with a 4:1 comparison.
Pulau TidungTo pupuknya, this crop better when presented with insects rather than manure. Moreover, the color of the bag would be bigger and bigger and charming if media tanamnya infertile.
"With the bag, we need not bother to include insects," he explained.
In addition to insects, as a substitute fertilizer, ornamental plants also need to get appropriate water supply to the dose. The initiative, sprinkling quota can not be too late for planting media must always wet.
"If watering is not done regularly, this ornamental plant leaves curl and die," says Karyadi.
Questions allotment watering, he said it depends on the location of ornamental plants is placed or planted. For Nepenthes plants grown indoors (indoor) is penyiramannya ration of 2-3 days. As for nephaenthes planted outdoors penyiramannya quota is once a day.
Other growing conditions are full sun supply. This plant daily ration should get sunlight for 10-12 hours. The intensity of sunlight that is good for 50%. Conditions such as these can be made by providing shade.
Well, when fans want to cultivate ornamental plants ornamental plants, the above tips worth investigating. B Wibowo
Bahasa Inggeris:
Substrate: Nepenthes like an ACIDIC Growing Media that's will stay moist yet Allow for Plenty of water circulation around the roots. Peat moss based mixes are quite popular and are widely used. The main drawbacks to these are that's They break down over time and cans wind up rotting the roots if not repotted plants on a regular basis. They are still very useful as long as They contain a large percentage of Amendments The annual perlite, tree fern fiber and fine grade fir bark to ENHANCE drainage. Some Growers prefer to use straight-fibered sphagnum moss long to Grow the plants. We have even found that's When Using New Zealand Sphagnum (the Highest quality), it cans stay too wet for many species. We are currently experimenting with a new Growing mix comprised of 90% shredded cypress mulch, 5% perlite and peat moss 5%. So far the results are quite Promising. The plants seem to like the excellent porosity of the mix while being firmly supported by the chunky texture. Additionally, the mix does not wash out of the pots or disturb the roots When WaterEd from overhead. It is still too soon to say for sure but so far we are quite happy with it. Each grower should try Melayu, Different mixes to determine
Pulau Pramuka which one suits his climate, Growing practices and personal preferences the best.
Humidity: Generally speaking, Nepenthes like humidity levels of at least 60% or Higher. Some highland species are quite tolerant of lower daytime humidity levels as long as it climbs overnight. Usually Lowland species are much less tolerant of humidity fluctuations. One symptom of insufficient humidity is Lack of traps. The use of humidifiers or terrarium Growing cans help Raise the humidity to an acceptable range.
Light: Growing Nepenthes are found in a wide range of exposures varying from shaded forest floor to the exposed cliff faces therefore it is impossible to generalize an appropriate light level for all species. Ideally, research the habitat that's your plant Naturally Grown in and do your best to replicate it. Additionally, the plant will also give you Clues as to the suitability of the lighting it is that accept. Failure to Produce traps is one indication that's light levels or duration need to be increased. This can be also be Caused by insufficient humidity. Too much light cans cause yellowing of the leaves or red spots and streaks to be reflected on ur phone as well. While this does not necessarily harm the plant, it cans be unsightly. Reduc
Wisata Pulau Pariing light intensity will result in new leaves emerging a more normal color.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

This brochure is used for the purpose assist in managing the Farmers Farming Pala. This brochure was prepared by the Office of the First Level PerkebunanPropinsi Irian Jaya and the author uses sebagaibahan source for completeness in training farmers how to increase in postharvest sebagaiinformasi nutmeg nutmeg and carapPulau Tidungengolahan pala.Semoga simple brochure can be used as a handle andcan increase the repertoire of literature on spoken Pala.Akhirnya thank you for the Office of the First Level PerkebunanPropinsi Irian Jaya for her help. Agriculture ProyekInformasi part of Irian Jaya.
Nutmeg [Myristica fragrans Houtt] komoditipertanian is one that has a high economic value, in addition to type-jeniskomoditi agricultural eco-Nomis lainnya.Menurut experts, nutmeg is native to Indonesia yangberasal of malaise Archipel is danMaluku Banda islands. Then spread and evolve to other islands in the vicinity yangberada, even now have reached Aceh, Sulawesi, Irian Jaya Utaradan. As the plant spices, nutmeg can menghasilkanminyak etheris and specialty fats from seeds and mace. Seeds 2 to 15% palamenghasilkan etheris oil and 30-40% fat, while mace generate 7-18% etheris oil and 20-30% fat (MACE is arie scarlet and a retina yangmembungkus seeds). Flesh nutmeg can used as candied or pickled, fulinya bijidan useful in the manufacturing industry sausages, canned food, fish preservation and others. Besides hasilpenyulingan nutmeg oil, raw materials can digunakansebagai in industrial soaps, perfumes, medicines and so forth. Meanwhile the world market demand will head each tahunterus increased, and not less than 60% of the nutmeg duniadidatangkan of Indonesia.Dalam order to participate and to increase non-oil foreign exchange through exports, expand employment and the prospects for the good wishes
Pulau Pramukayangmenjanjikan nutmeg, then it is time to plant nutmeg.
need to get the attention and treatment to be developed extensively in Indonesia Irian Jaya.Pala preferred by the world market, because it has beberapakelebihan on appeal nutmeg from other countries, advantages include high oil yield and has a distinctive aroma.
KNOWN PLANT PALA Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)
tropics is a plant which has 200 species, and entirely dispersed in the tropics. In case of normal growth, nutmeg plant has leafy crown, with plant height 10-18 m. Tree crown tapered upwards, with the upper portion somewhat rounded and overgrown with dense foliage. The leaves are shiny green, length 5-15 cm, width 3-7 cm long petiole 0.7 -1.5 cm.Tanaman nutmeg plants belonged to a single-sex, although there is also a double-sex plants. Married two, yangmemiliki clear distinction between the female trees and female trees nutmeg jantan.Tanaman marked by the growth of branches secarahorizontal (horizontal), whereas male nutmeg crop the mark with its branches pointing upward making an acute angle with the trunk. Description: A = female nutmeg tree, which is characterized by growth cabangnyasecara horizontal (landscape). B = male nutmeg tree, characterized by its branches mengarahke above makes an acute angle with the trunk.
In addition to the nutmeg plant male and female, there is also a mixture in which the male plants will be able to produce female flowers, but rare flowering female plants have jantan.Tanaman nutmeg fruit is round, yellowish green when ri
Wisata Pulau Paripe fruit is cut in half. Center line of fruit ranged between 3 -9 cm, thick flesh and a sour taste. Seeds oval to round, length ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 cm with a width of 1 - 2,5 cm. Brown seed coat and shiny on the outside. Seed kernel whitish, while fulinya dark red and sometimes yellowish white and resemble seeds mesh wrap.

Friday, June 13, 2014

sidaa darteed dhexgalka oo la bulshada

Posted by wwww On 5:16 PM
, sidaa darteed dhexgalka oo la bulshada sidoo kale waa wax la yaqaan, sidaa daraadeed waxa aad u tengsin2 waa ma ya ... ayuu .. ayuu ... gurigaaga qurux badan oo aanu noocee ah farxad iyo farxad leh ku ubax- ubax midabo qurux badan. Hibiscus waa hooyo si kulaylaha iyo dadka fareen Asia, Africa, Australia iyo Yurub, waxaa la helay aaga ay qoraxda leh, Mediterranean-ka, waa mid aad u jecel yahay in Italy iyo in ay xarun-south waxaan ka heli noocyada in koraa lama filaan ah ubaxa, Hibiscus leh roseus casaan qoto dheer . Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya IndonesiaHeerkulka ugu fiican ee horumarka saxda ah ee Hibiscus waxay noqon doontaa saabsan 20 ¿C, si kastaba ha ahaatee, laguma talinayo in ay kashifaan dhirta, kuwaas oo marka heerkulku hoos nol.Hibiscus waa qayb ka mid ah category ah ku xoortay geedihii iyo wacaaltoona u dabeecadda iyo u koraan sida geedaha, noocyada gaar ahaan Syriacus, ama si faal, oo aad u adkaysi u wasakhaysan qabsadaan noocyada kala duwan ee cimilada. Hibiscus Factory koray ugu horrayn ujeeddooyin ornamental iyo madaxtooyada, laakiin meesha guriga ay, ka gaari karin wax qaadkooda aad u weyn oo ilaa laba mitir, halkaas oo cimilada uu yahay mid fudud, waxaa jira wax badan oo size go'an noocyada Hibiscus normal.Meskipun, laakiin dhammaantood ay leeyihiin sifooyinka of masaf sida ubaxa , fudud, double ama dhowr, la cabbo (sanduuqa battariga ee dibadda ah ee danta, kuwaas oo ka kooban sepals) taas oo ka kooban shan sepals iyo Corolla (Tent wada) wuxuu ka kooban yahay shan Tent (sahlan), khaanadda dhexe waa qoladii leh unug lab iyo xubnaha haweenka ah waa putik.Kebanyakan Hibiscus waxaa jira caraf ubax. Caleemaha waa qaar aad u ballaaran iyo cagaar, geesaha ukun-qaabeeya iyo serrated, halka afkoda kuwo aad u dhuuban. 800 Hibiscus siin mid ka mid ah u jeclaaday loogu tala galay in maqsuud quruxdiisa, haddii ay cad cad in kastoo uu ka warqabtaa daacad iyo cas hadii ay ka dhigan tahay in qof ayaa ku dhaawacmay waxa by. Ubax Hibiscus yihiin calaamad u ah Malaysia.
kabaha ubax sepatukembang

BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA MasaariduWaxaa jira noocyada badan ee Hibiscus, quote soo socda una sharax waxa ugu muhiimsan iyo baahsan: Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis: waa ubaxa ugu caan ah oo dahabka, waxaa jira ku dhawaad ​​kun noocyo oo ka soo jeeda Karoosyo u dhexeeya noocyada kala duwan. Noocyada Tani waxay leedahay kayn ah oo uu leeyahay qaab a spherical iyo gaari karto sideed cagaha. Waxa laga yaabaa inuu ubax casaan, caddaan iyo huruud iyo casaan, iyo sida weyn oo sida lix inches inta lagu guda jiro bisha June ilaa Sebtembar koray sidaas besar.Hibiscus Siriacus: noocyada Tani waxay leedahay ahaan geedka dabiiciga ah, sida magaca soo jeedisay, ee Suuriya, waxay leeyihiin ubax cad ama casaan, hal ama laba jibbaar ah, sii kordhaya from July marayo October. Waxaa height afar mitir ka gaari karin. Hibiscus Militaris: noocyada Tani waa dhiman iyo dhashay ee Waqooyiga America, ubaxa dawan-qaabeeya wuxuu noqon karaa casaan ama guduud iyo horumarka ee xagaaga. Palustris Hibiscus: noocyada Tani waa dilka ah, waxa uu leeyahay asalka ay ka Asia iyo America, iyo qaadkiisii ​​ku afkoda daboolayaa timaha, baxo ubax oval.Bunga-koray xagaaga iyo casaan cad ama. Waxaa height ah shan mitir ka gaari karin. Hibiscus Trionum: noocyada Tani asalkiisu ka soo jeedo ee Africa, iyo wuxuu leeyahay caado cawbaar sannadlaha ah. Ubax waa huruud ah ama caddaan iyo kareem shukulaatada ee dhexe, kuwaas oo ku dhashay August iyo September. Hibiscus Mutabilis: noocyada Tani waxa uu ku dhashay ee koonfurta Shiinaha, aan wax badan beerayaa, magacani uu ka yimid isbedel dabeecadda midabka leh time berubah.Hibiscus Elatus: caadiga ah Jamaica, koray oo buuraha iyo gaari karto shan iyo labaatanADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 ! cagaha sare. Tiliaceus Hibiscus: koray in Islands Sulaymaan iyo la isticmaalo si loo kilts for qoob.