Saturday, February 8, 2014

President of the Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS ) Anis Matta criticism and satire of some researchers , University of Indonesia ( UI ) in a discussion that carried the Center for Election of Political Party ( Cepp ) on the campus of the University of Indonesia , Depok , on Tuesday ( 07/01/2014 ) . Polygamy luxury lifestyle and highlighted a number of elite MCC Bisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dasyat Modal Hemat
" MCC earlier enough to seat , but in 2014 the MCC feels down . Why ? 's Due to the President MCC , MCC not to mention elite living in luxury and polygamy , " said researcher demographics UI , Azizah Aziz .
Azizah initially claimed no question of polygamy . She even asked her husband for polygamy . However , her husband refused . Azizah see the motives of men 's polygamy because they already have a lot of money . This, he said , occurs in a number of elite MCC .
" Pragmatism MCC is very thick . 's Man if you have money , a new house , wanted a new wife . If there are women who want polygamy , his love is not sincere to you , " he added .
Peluang Usaha Other researchers from the Institute of Demography UI , Abdillah Ahsan , said , polygamy is not a problem as long as it does not affect the population explosion . However , the recent issue of polygamy is associated with MCC should be managed properly by the MCC .
" Ayam Bakar Wong Solo because the owner of polygamy , he branched out , eventually die . PKS We do not want that, " said Abdillah .
President Cepp Husnul Mar'iyah polygamy was responding to this issue . If you become president , Anis Matta should also think about how much money the state has to be spent for the purposes of the state .
"If the two wives , 25 children there . Paspampresnya How much and who paid ? Kan state budget , and it not matter , " said Husnul .
After the event , Anis replied relaxed about the insinuation that a number of academics UI . According to him , polygamy is an individual choice . " It's up to the individual whether personal choices like this can be accepted or not . If you can accept , yes please ," said the politician with two wives .
In the discussion , Anis also mentioned a
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little about polygamy . He compared China's one-child policy apply . " Now China began to think . Seeing that there is economic growth , it turns out they need human resources much more , " said the former Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives .


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