Monday, September 29, 2014

As has been repeatedly discussed

Posted by wwww On 7:31 AM
As has been repeatedly discussed earlier, that hygiene is the key to successful cultivation. Mushroom house and the equipment used peluang usaha during the production process must always be in a state to reduce the contamination of microorganisms sterile unwanted intruders, can thwart even mushroom cultivation. If cleanliness and environmental factors (temperature, humidity, etc.) are less supportive, usually common in many baglog overgrown fungus diseases and other fungi that grow as he grows. Missellium fungal or parasitic fungi that fought to do so often results in growth becomes stunted growth, and even sometimes lead to not grow. This parasitic fungus berisifat pathogens, symptoms marked the emergence of mycelium is yellow, green, black, accompanied by mucus on the substrate. Parasitic fungi that attack during the cultivation process is Penicillium sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp., And Mucor sp .. This fungus attacks the substrate or growing baglog a way to compete with the main crop. The disease attacks baglog closed or open. Control of fungal penganggu can be done by maintaining the cleanliness associated with the cultivation process (either mushroom, baglog, equipment, and labor), a parasitic fungus baglog destroy by fire, and set the air in the vicinity kelembanan mushroom house.

Elongated Mushroom Stalk
Disease stalks elongated fungus is a disease
IDRPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA that is often encountered during physiological prses cultivation, oyster mushroom stalk marked lengthwise with a small mushroom body can not be fully developed. Elongated stalk diseases caused by excess CO2 due to less than perfect ventilation. Elongated stalk disease prevention is set at the optimum ventilation so that air circulation kumbung runs perfectly fit the needs of growth.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cucumber generally can grow in various

Posted by wwww On 3:08 PM
Cucumber generally can grow in various areas with various heights and temperatures, but the height between 1000 to 1200 meters above sea level Agen Bola SBOBET IBCBET Casino 338A Tangkas Togel Online Indonesia Terpercaya with temperatures between 21-27oC is an ideal soil. Media should land the sun illuminated well, because these plants belong to the susceptible plant so it needs to have good care. The recommended level of soil acidity is 6 to 7 pH.

2 Preparation of land
Good land for planting cucumbers is land that has the nutrients are still good, the land must digemburkan in advance by way of a hoe or hijacked approximately 20-30 cm deep to reverse the position of the soil from the bottom up. Once the soil is ready and made beds with the following specifications;
- Create sized beds with a width of 1 meter and a height of about 20-30 cm
- Length of beds according to the length of the land
- The distance between beds is about 20 cmTempat is ideal for the cultivation of cucumber plateau. However, these plants can still grow in places lower even though the result is not optimal.
Tips for successful cultivation of organic cucumber

Cucumber fruit ready for harvest. (Photo: titispw)

Cucumis sativus cucumbers or a plant that can adapt to various types of climate. However, the cultivation of cucumbers more leverage on the dry climatic conditions with full irradiation at temperatures 21-27oC. While height is ideal for the cultivation of cucumber is 1000-1200 meters above sea level. Even so cucumber can still be planted in lowland.

Organic cucumber cultivation requires Agen Bola SBOBET IBCBET Casino 338A Tangkas Togel Online Indonesia Terpercaya extra care, because these plants are susceptible to pests and weather. Cucumber would be great planted in soil containing enough organic nutrients. The texture of soil is good for the growth and development of plants is a low-grade clay with a pH of 6-7.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kassava viljely alueella Saber

Posted by wwww On 4:27 PM
 Kassava viljely alueella Saber on erittäin hyvät mahdollisuudet.
Jonka pääoma on vain noin Rp 7000000 hehtaarilta, viljelijät voivat tehdä voittoa jopa Rp 50 miljoonaa.
Se on todistettu Hamlet asukkaat Onnellista Uutta Hope Village District of Saber. Maniokki (kassava) on yksi peruselintarvikkeiden joudumme usein day- / day.With yleistyminen istuttaminen kassava jauhot koska tarpeet yhä meningkat.penerapan kassava teknologiaa on sovellettu kentän tasolla soveltaen sopivaa teknologiaa räätälöityjä kunkin alueen (aluekohtaisia) .Apalagi käyttöön orgaaninen lannoite Orgaaniset Torjunta Nasa Nasa Ja se on osoitettu lisäävän tuotantoa (satoa) viljelijöiden kassava (kassava) kohta.Koska kassava viljelymenetelmät seuraavasti:
A. Siemenet / StekPenanaman kassava voidaan tehdä sen jälkeen taimet / pistokkaat ja maaperän valmis. Aikaa. Hyvä istutus on alku sadekausi. Tämä johtuu siitä, kassava tarvitaan vettä pääasiassa vegetatiivinen kasvu on 4-5 kuukautta, sitten veden tarve on suhteellisesti vähemmän.
Väli kassava vuonna monokulttuurin: 100 x 100;
Väli kassava vuonna intercropping:

Kassava kanssa maapähkinä 200 x 60 cm.
Kassava maissi 100 x 60 cm.
Miten istuttaa kassava pistokkaita suositellaan kohtisuoraan tai ainakin muodostaa 60 asteen kulmassa maahan ja syvyys pistokkaita 10-15 cm.
V. lannoituksen
Saavuttaa korkea tuotto olisi annettava orgaaninen lannoite (lanta, komposti ja vihreä lantaa) ja epäorgaanisten lannoitteiden (Urea, TSP, KCL).