Monday, December 30, 2013

Again from personal experience about the auto

Posted by wwww On 11:05 PM

Again from personal experience about the auto , I want to share a quick and easy tips guide to learning to drive a car novice , without the body through the course , and only quite a day I 've been able to bring the car out of town . Indeed, initially obat pembesar penis  I have used two-wheeled motorcycle , but have never driven a car . Even up to the time of purchasing the car I do not know how to drive and do not know the functions of all the devices in the car . Just had asked for information how to operate the car to the car owner . So what I did so that it can drive a car fast and easy .. ? Let's follow the tips from my personal experience the following:

First , Identify the function of the tool that is used to drive a car , such as :

The steering wheel , to deflect the car .
Gas pedal ( in the picture section A ) , is used to run the car and speed control .
Brake pedal ( in the picture section B ) , serves to stop the car running .
Clutch pedal ( in the picture section C ) , serves to neutralize gases and help porsneling gearshift .
Porsneling lever , to change gear porsneling .

Second , Understand future use of each tool above .

The steering wheel , in use when you want to turn . ( it seems pretty obvious )
Gas pedal , the terms of its use :
In the stampede when a car going on the run , of course, when the teeth are not in normal circumstances .
It may not be in the stampede , if the speed has been reached needs .
Speed ​​of the car depends on the depth of tread on the accelerator .
Often used in conjunction with a clutch pedal .

obat pembesar penis vimax Brake pedal , used with the following provisions:
to reduce the speed of the car , by pressing lightly .
to stop the motion of the car .
Can be used in conjunction with the clutch pedal

Clutch pedal , used with the following provisions:
To move the lever porsneling . If the clutch pedal is not in full stampede porsneling the lever can not move or difficult to move .
Suppression function clutch pedal fully , in addition to shifting gears , also makes the gas pedal only roared when in the stampede , and will not add to the car's speed .
The use of the clutch pedal is often used in conjunction with the gas pedal . especially when the car would start to run , and when the car is running slowly .
Adjust the pressure on the clutch pedal with the gas pedal , the car would start when the roads .
Clutch pedal can be removed from pijakkan , when the car is already in motion .
The clutch pedal must not be separated from pijakkan , when the condition of the teeth are in addition to the normal position , and when the car was not speeding or running slowly . because the car will instantly die .

Clutch lever , in use with the following provisions:
Mobilizing porsneling lever must be preceded by stepping on the clutch pedal .
To direct the gear lever towards porsneling desired , follow directions bisnis online above image . example : go into 1st gear , move the lever to the left , then to the top .
Feel every move the lever porsneling heading to one of the teeth , until no sound Klek . tooth sign has been entered .
To menormakan porsneling lever . enough to be directed to the center . examples of 1st gear , pull down once Klek . if up to two times Klek then it will go directly into 4th gear . if it is in 4th gear then raise the lever one time Klek . if up to two times Klek it will go into 3rd gear .
To get into gear 1 and 2 , should be to the left first , then gear up to 1 , down to 1st gear .
to enter directly into 3rd gear upwards . while for the 4th gear straight down .
To shift gears , move the lever must first pass through the neutral position .

Third , practice using all the tools at the top , by the way :

Car condition is not life or no way :
Exercises move the footrest pedal , until familiar with its function . to not have to see the pedal .
Exercise direction lever porsenling , from 1st gear to reverse gear . to memorize .

Living conditions of the car :
Exercise blend gas pedal and clutch pedal when starting the car running .
Exercise run slowly moving car .

Note :

Learn to drive a car with a slow walk . Because the easiest cars on the run in the fast condition . But it is difficult if conditions bisnis internet slow / slow .
At the time of the road , the view focus on the road , so the brain thinks only set the direction of the steering wheel . As for the pedals and levers must have memorized .


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